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Use These Tips to Protect Your Home Against Intruders

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If you own your home, you are likely concerned about keeping it as safe as possible. Even if you have home insurance, safety should be a primary concern because many homeowners are targeted for criminal activity such as break-ins. This type of activity on your property might result in higher insurance premiums. The following are a few affordable ways to make your property safer.  Lighting Criminals might be more prone to try to break into your home if it is not well lit during darker hours of the day. Read More»

Driving After A DUI: How To Recover Your License

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After a DUI, it’s fairly common for a license to be suspended. Unfortunately, a suspended license can mean that you cannot work or take care of your family. There are ways to recover your license after a DUI, but they require quite a lot of work. Here’s what you need to do. Apply for a Limited License A limited license can be applied to in a situation in which not having a license could cause undue hardship. Read More»

It's Time To Check Your Homeowner's Insurance Policy For These 4 Things

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Homeowner’s insurance is a necessity for anybody who owns a house, even if those homes are rented out. If you have a homeowner’s insurance policy, it is essential that you read it over carefully to ensure that you are getting the most coverage available. You could be missing the fact that homeowner’s insurance often fails to cover these types of damage: 1. Does your insurance cover natural disasters? While most policies do cover damage caused by lightning storms and tornadoes, earthquake insurance is typically available only via a separate insurance policy. Read More»

Will Your Auto Insurance Provider Drop You After You File An SR-22?

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If you were recently convicted of driving under the influence (DUI), driving while intoxicated (DWI), or another serious driving offense, then chances are you’ll need to file an SR-22 with your auto insurance provider. You might’ve heard plenty of stories about insurance companies kicking their customers to the curb after they tried to file an SR-22 with them. The following talks about how your auto insurance provider will likely handle your need for an SR-22. Read More»

Mistakes You Can Make As A Customer That Can Cause Your Insurance Policy To Be Cancelled

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Auto insurance may be a mandatory thing in most places, but this one service that highly relies on trust and faith between you and your insurance carrier. Insurance providers have guidelines in place which mean that they have to ensure that you are a reliable and trustworthy customer, because otherwise, you could be deemed too big of a risk for them to provide coverage for. Even though insurance policies on your vehicles can be cancelled for several reasons, there are a few common mistakes customers tend to make with their policy the most often. Read More»