Choosing Insurance You Will Love

4 Tips For Keeping Car Insurance Costs Down

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Remaining independent and being able to get where you need to go will depend on your ability to drive. This means having a reliable car you can use. It’s also important to have auto insurance in place to help you avoid any financial losses that may occur if you’re involved in an accident. This is legally required in most states and can also give you peace of mind. However, automobile insurance can be costly, so it’s ideal to know specific ways for you to cut these costs when possible. Read More»

Three Ways To Boost Your Home Security To Keep Your Insurance Rate Low

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If your neighborhood has high instances of property crimes such as home burglaries, you will often find that you’re paying a higher rate for your home insurance than those who live in safer locales. As such, it’s important to take steps to reduce the risk of your home being targeted by thieves, as a break-in can cause your premium to increase. A logical first step is a home security system, but if you’re on a budget, it can be difficult to pay the initial cost and the monthly fee for monitoring. Read More»

Be Wary Of These Three Insurance-Raising Home Additions

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Whether you’ve just bought your first home or you’ve been comfortably settled into a home for several years, your home insurance bill is something that you’ll deal with every month. Although a variety of small factors can cause changes in the rate over the years, you’ll often see a consistent premium and get used to paying it. It’s important, however, to be aware of the fact that certain additions you make to your home can cause a change in your insurance rate – and not in the direction that you want to see. Read More»

3 Surprising Things Health Insurance Covers

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Being a full-time employee offers a number of different benefits. You are often offered health insurance benefits to cover you and possibly your loved ones. While most people assume that their health insurance is there just to cover them when they get sick or need to visit the dentist, there is more to it than what you might realize. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize all of the different benefits they could be taking advantage of with their premium. Read More»

Going On A Holiday Road Trip With Minimal Insurance? Find Out If Your Insurance Has A Broadening Clause

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So, you’re going on a long road trip this holiday season and your auto insurance covers the minimum amount of coverage for your state. Since minimum coverages vary state by state, it’s important to find out if your insurance offers a broadening clause. Broadening Clauses Ensure You Have the Minimum Required Broadening clauses extend your auto insurance coverage to meet the minimum requirements for the state where you’re driving. So for example, if you are a resident of California and your state’s minimum liability coverage is 15/30/5, and you’re driving to Colorado this holiday season where the minimum coverage is 25/50/25, your insurance is inadequate unless it has a broadening clause. Read More»