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Going On A Holiday Road Trip With Minimal Insurance? Find Out If Your Insurance Has A Broadening Clause

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So, you're going on a long road trip this holiday season and your auto insurance covers the minimum amount of coverage for your state. Since minimum coverages vary state by state, it's important to find out if your insurance offers a broadening clause.

Broadening Clauses Ensure You Have the Minimum Required

Broadening clauses extend your auto insurance coverage to meet the minimum requirements for the state where you're driving. So for example, if you are a resident of California and your state's minimum liability coverage is 15/30/5, and you're driving to Colorado this holiday season where the minimum coverage is 25/50/25, your insurance is inadequate unless it has a broadening clause. If your insurance has a broadening clause, then that clause will extend the limits to meet Colorado's higher amounts.

This works in another way, as well. If you live in a state that doesn't require Personal Injury Protection (or PIP) and you drive to a no-fault state that does require PIP, then you'll need that kind of coverage as you drive through that state. In this case, the broadening clause will extend your PIP coverage for the short time when you're driving through the state that requires this protection. This way, your insurance policy's broadening clause always ensures you have enough insurance, no matter where you're driving.

Call Today to Find Out If Your Insurance is Adequate

Call today to find out whether or not your auto insurance offers its policy holders a broadening clause. While you're at it, take the time to discuss with your insurance company whether or not you should raise your policy to include coverage that goes beyond the minimum. Liability insurance only pays for damages to the person you hit if you're at fault in an accident. In addition, if your liability coverage isn't adequate, you could be sued by the person that you hit, which could result in the loss of property such as your house, and other assets.

Extending your coverage will protect your assets and prevent financial hardship in the event that you're involved in an accident this winter. If you want to know more before you leave on your holiday road trip, contact your insurance agent. Your insurance agent may wish to discuss your driving habits and also your assets before recommending a specific amount of coverage and type of coverage. The more you have to lose in a lawsuit, the more protected you should be by your auto insurance. Call an insurance company like Thomas A. Nolfi Inc. today to find out more.
