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Driving After A DUI: How To Recover Your License

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After a DUI, it’s fairly common for a license to be suspended. Unfortunately, a suspended license can mean that you cannot work or take care of your family. There are ways to recover your license after a DUI, but they require quite a lot of work. Here’s what you need to do. Apply for a Limited License A limited license can be applied to in a situation in which not having a license could cause undue hardship. Read More»

It's Time To Check Your Homeowner's Insurance Policy For These 4 Things

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Homeowner’s insurance is a necessity for anybody who owns a house, even if those homes are rented out. If you have a homeowner’s insurance policy, it is essential that you read it over carefully to ensure that you are getting the most coverage available. You could be missing the fact that homeowner’s insurance often fails to cover these types of damage: 1. Does your insurance cover natural disasters? While most policies do cover damage caused by lightning storms and tornadoes, earthquake insurance is typically available only via a separate insurance policy. Read More»

Will Your Auto Insurance Provider Drop You After You File An SR-22?

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If you were recently convicted of driving under the influence (DUI), driving while intoxicated (DWI), or another serious driving offense, then chances are you’ll need to file an SR-22 with your auto insurance provider. You might’ve heard plenty of stories about insurance companies kicking their customers to the curb after they tried to file an SR-22 with them. The following talks about how your auto insurance provider will likely handle your need for an SR-22. Read More»

Mistakes You Can Make As A Customer That Can Cause Your Insurance Policy To Be Cancelled

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Auto insurance may be a mandatory thing in most places, but this one service that highly relies on trust and faith between you and your insurance carrier. Insurance providers have guidelines in place which mean that they have to ensure that you are a reliable and trustworthy customer, because otherwise, you could be deemed too big of a risk for them to provide coverage for. Even though insurance policies on your vehicles can be cancelled for several reasons, there are a few common mistakes customers tend to make with their policy the most often. Read More»

Getting Commercial Insurance? Two Absolute Must-Have Riders

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If you’re getting insurance for your business, you may be a bit confused.  Commercial insurance operates very similarly to residential coverage, but there are some subtle differences.  You need to make sure that you have the protections in place that can protect your business.  Use this information to learn more about two must-have riders to include in your policy to make sure that you bind a policy that offers you the best possible coverage. Read More»

Tips For Planning A Safe And Successful Road Trip

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Road trips can be a great way of seeing the country while saving on airfare and related travel expenses. But it takes a little bit of planning to do a road trip successfully while staying safe. Here are some things to keep in mind while planning your road trip.  Invest in Comprehensive Auto Insurance The start of a road trip is a great time to review your auto insurance coverage (with companies like Horgan Insurance Agency) and make sure that you’re not taking on too much risk. Read More»

Renting Your Home Could Mean Paying A Higher Auto Insurance Rate

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Who would think that buying a house could get you lower auto insurance premiums? It may sound a bit crazy, but according to a recent Consumer Federation of America report, renters pay more for auto insurance each year than people who own their homes, particularly on the cost for liability insurance. Even though it may seem unfair, it’s important to understand why you may be paying more for auto insurance if you rent your home, as well as what you can do to about it. Read More»

Talk To Your Newly Licensed Teenager About These Driving Issues That Could Affect Your Insurance Rate

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It’s a big accomplishment for your teenager to receive his or her driver’s license, but until the teen also gets his or her own auto insurance policy (from an outlet such as, you need to be sure that the teen’s actions while behind the wheel don’t impact your policy in any way. It’s one thing for the teenager to be in an accident — but another thing entirely for him or her to engage in some form of unsafe driving and receive a ticket that could impact your insurance rate if it occurs frequently enough. Read More»

Debunking Some Common Myths About Car Insurance

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For drivers out there, car insurance is one of those things you pay for but hope you never have to use. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there when it comes to auto insurance. By understanding the realities behind these commonly perpetuated myths, you can be a better informed consumer and make wise decisions when it comes to your car insurance coverage. Myth 1: Insurance Covers Personal Property Inside the Car Read More»

4 Tips For Keeping Car Insurance Costs Down

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Remaining independent and being able to get where you need to go will depend on your ability to drive. This means having a reliable car you can use. It’s also important to have auto insurance in place to help you avoid any financial losses that may occur if you’re involved in an accident. This is legally required in most states and can also give you peace of mind. However, automobile insurance can be costly, so it’s ideal to know specific ways for you to cut these costs when possible. Read More»