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Spotting Hail Damage On An Asphalt Shingle Roof

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It isn't hard to spot hail damage on your car or your metal patio furniture — the dents are typically pretty easy to see. However, the texture and color of asphalt shingles can make hail damage more difficult to spot. This doesn't mean that you should avoid inspecting your roof after a hail storm though. In fact, you should inspect the roof as quickly as possible if you need to file an insurance claim to pay for any repairs.

Hail Size

Before you inspect your roof for hail damage, it's a good idea to know the approximate size of the hail. When you know the approximate size of the hail, you know what size dents and damage to you're trying to find. To determine the size of the hail, try to find a piece of hail on the ground outside your home or look at the size of any dents you find on your car or outside furniture. Keep in mind, small pieces of hail can cause roof damage, but the smaller the hail is, the harder it is to spot roof damage. In that case, you should consider having your roof inspected by a professional.

Hail Damage Location

When you're looking for hail damage on your roof, you need to pay close attention — you don't want to overlook it. As you inspect your roof, take note of any damage you find so you can show the damage to a public adjuster after filing your claim.

It's easier to spot damage on metal than it is on asphalt shingles, so you should begin your inspection by examining the exhaust caps, metal valleys, vents, and metal skylight surrounds first. After inspecting the metal on your roof, walk the roof's perimeter to get a good view of the shingles. Take note of any shingles that are cracked, missing, or missing granules. If hail has caused your roofing shingles to crack, you'll most likely find cracks that are in a half moon or circular shape. If you discover shingles that are missing granules, you need to examine the roofing paper that's exposed. If the paper is faded, the granules have been missing for a good amount of time, so it's not likely the damage was caused by the hail. You can also find dents in your asphalt shingles by running your hand over the shingle. If you find a dent or a dimple in the shingle that feels slightly spongy when you press on it, the shingle has probably been bruised from the impact of the hail and will need to be replaced.

Other Damage Indications

Sometimes you don't even need to climb onto the roof to spot hail damage because you can see the damage from the ground. To spot damage from the ground, examine the ground directly below your downspouts to see if the rain washed away any displaced granules. You should also walk around the perimeter of your house, looking for loose granules or shingles that have fallen off the roof. Additionally, you should inspect your air conditioner unit. It was built to withstand damage from outside elements, so if your air conditioner has hail damage, there's a good chance that your roof has damage as well.

Hail damage on asphalt roofs is common, so you should inspect your roof after hail-producing storms. If you find any damage, contact your home insurance company to file a claim so they can send a public adjuster, such as those found at Skipton Claims Management, out to your home to access the damage as soon as possible. 
